The enquirer

Local pizzeria makes Pizza Today's Hot 100 Independent Pizzerias list

Local pizzeria makes Pizza Today's Hot 100 Independent Pizzerias list

There are about 77 thousand pizza restaurants in the U.S., of varying size and success. So to make it onto a list of the top-grossing independent pizza restaurants in the country is a remarkable accomplishment. Catch-a-Fire Pizza made the Pizza Today magazine hot list.

Polly: Best Things I Ate in 2013

Polly: Best Things I Ate in 2013

Here is a sampling of the best things restaurant reviewer and critique, Polly Cambell, ate this year. Many of them classics, but not all. If you read her blog or click the Dining button on frequently, you may have already heard of all these including Catch-a-Fire Pizza’s one love wood-fired pizza, cherry-picked for you and in one place.